Customer Testimonials

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Mr Victor

13 years Idiopathic Parkinson’s patient. Who was not able to walk without aid and could not talk for 13 years. After less than one month taking UBrain 100, started to walk independently and talking to family members and playing card games with them

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Mr YS Park

Age: 56 years old

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2008. Due to my Parkinson’s condition, I was retired early from an Executive Director position at Morgan Stanley, South Korea.

I was miserable as besides losing a lucrative job which I loves, I have to face the reality of not being able to perform daily simple tasks due to my deteriorating motor and cognitive functions with frequent dizziness.

In August 2021, my good friend, a Professor from NTU introduced UBrain 100 to me for my Parkinson’s conditions. UBrain 100 is a brain child of the Professor when he was in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

After consuming UBrain 100 for one month, I noticed a significant reduction in my hands trembling and I was able to move faster than before with less freezing up. I was also able to sleep better and can speak more fluently.
Delighted with the progress, I continued taking UBrain 100 to improve my quality of life.

Today, in May 2022, I am starting to drive my favourite car once again like before and playing golf at my club with my old friends.

I am very grateful to the Professor and his team for developing UBrain 100 for people with conditions like mine. I will definitely encourage anyone with such cognitive problems to try UBrain 100 as there is nothing to lose because UBrain 100 is made of 100% natural herbs from Mother Earth.

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Siew Hee Forde

Age:                    68 years old
Address:            Ballina, Mayo, Ireland
Symptoms:       Insomnia, Irritability, anxiety. Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks, and remembering.

I suffered from anxiety and Insomnia for years …. Background In 2013 I suffered a very serious brain aneurysm and fortunately through a magnificent doctor I was able to make a significant recovery to enable me to live a somewhat normal life which I and my family are extremely grateful for.

However, as of the seriousness of the aneurysm and the post trauma I was left with daily challenges and one of these being insomnia which was leaving me with increased anxiety and my cognitive functions were being affected daily which in turn affecting my wellbeing, energy levels and my overall recovery from the operation.

I would find it very difficult to sleep, some nights not even sleeping at all to the point that my family insisted that I visit my Doctor who prescribed a strong daily dosage of sleeping medication which did help me sleep for around 3 – 4 hours each night, however i would wake up feeling lethargic, a little down in myself and would take several hours to come around each day which felt like it was defeating the purpose of getting what was supposed to be a good night sleep.

I continued to take the sleeping medication over several years as advised by my doctor, while also doing daily exercise (walks) and practising cognitive behaviour therapy on a daily basis to assist with my anxiety & sleeping disorder.

How I came across U Brain

 I have always lived a healthy lifestyle, I love to cook for my family which will always have a balance of good nutrition through protein, vegetables and some carbohydrates. I don’t smoke or drink and my passion and pleasure is my family and all sitting down together for a home cooked meal.

My family have been an integral part of my recovery from the brain aneurysm and for someone that would not rely on medication in the past, it is difficult for my family to see me need to take a strong pharmaceutical sleeping tablet each night to try and obtain some rest for what is 3-4 hours each night and spending the rest of the night /morning staring at the ceiling trying to get back to sleep.

A family member came across ‘U Brain’ when researching all the possible alternatives and methods that could assist with reducing my anxiety and assisting in obtaining a good night sleep that does not consist of being on a big pharma sleeping tablet for the rest of my life which I would most likely become dependable on.

What are my anxiety levels and sleep patterns like now since taking U Brain 100?

 I have been taking ‘U Brain’ for over 2 months and I feel compelled to share the difference between something that consists of a mixture of Portulacaceae leaves versus the content of an over the counter sleeping tablet.

I have not used any other medication for over 2 months apart from the U Brain capsules, I am now sleeping 7 hours a night, if I do wake up to go to the toilet, I can fall straight back asleep. My family has noticed a massive change in my cognitive functions through alertness, energy, short term memory and my anxiety has lessened to what feels like a manageable normal level which has helped me enormously and I truly feel like I am moving in the right direction and thinking with more clarity.

I am very happy that I have come across U Brain 100 and I hope my review.


Mr Eric Tanoto

Age:                      48 years old
Address:               Singapore                                   
Diagnosed date: Since 4-5 years old
Symptoms:           Severe headache, migraine, insomnia, brain fog

I had been having the above problems since I was 4-5 years old. These prevented me from leading an active life as a child because the headache always came on when I was exposed to the sun or heat. In lower primary school years, I was in the afternoon session classes. While other children would bath, have dinner and study after they had reached home, I would be writhing in pain on my bed until the pain subsided to a tolerable level.

As an adult, I depend heavily on Ibuprofen tablets, which I consume 2 x 500mg every time for nearly 3-4 times a week. Other painkillers like Panadol and Ponstan simply do not work for me effectively anymore.

Discovering UBrain 100 was an eye-opener. I did not even know I had brain fog or that it was a problem because I was so born with it that I took it as a given. I started to be able to function better cognitively and my brain’s tiredness started to diminish.

UBrain Migraine delivers the ultimate answer to my condition. Before I started to consume it, I had headaches 2-3 times a week. After consuming it regularly for about a month, I suddenly realized that I had not had a headache for the last two weeks. This was a groundbreaking improvement for me; I had technically not lived a week in my life without a headache.

Even when a headache occurs again now, partly due to my irregular consumption of UBrain, I realize that immediately taking a double dose does improve my condition.

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Sonia Forde

Age:                    38 years old
Address:            Roscommon, Ireland
Symptoms:      Chronic Migraines

I have suffered from migraines from the age of nineteen. Since then, it has been a constant battle of how-to best deal with the attacks. I have been prescribed countless medications over the years and tried to learn ways to reduce both the severity and frequency of my migraines. I know now what my main triggers are and try to best to avoid them. One of these is lack of sleep. But due to different reasons I unfortunately can’t avoid this one trigger completely.

I was first made aware of U-brain migraine supplement in August 2022. From reading about this supplement and the benefits it offers I was happy to try it and see if this would help reduce migraines. As instructed as my attacks were frequent, I started by taking a total of 8 capsules a day, 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening. I didn’t notice any difference in the first two weeks of taking them. After that I did note that I was actually sleeping much better. My sleep in the past has always been irregular. Some nights I could go to sleep no problem but others it may take an extended period for me to fall asleep which in turn could lead to an attack due to lack of sleep. Now I fall asleep very easily and have had very few occasions where it takes me a long time to fall asleep. I feel more rested in the morning, and I feel that has had a positive effect on my concentration levels throughout the day. Best of all is that I have not been suffering from the same number of attacks as before I started taking U-Brain Migraine supplements.

When I do suffer an attack now the severity of it has reduced, I will still take my pain medication on these occasions to reduce the amount of time the attack lasts. ON average I would say my attacks have reduced by 50 to 60%. Finding out about U-Brain Migraine supplements has been a game changer for me in this ongoing cycle of migraine relief. I will continue to take them and, in the future, if I have a further reduction in attacks, I will reduce the number of capsules to 4 a day to maintain that level of relief.

I am so delighted to have found a completely natural supplement that has been able to help me so much and also has the added benefit to regulate my sleep cycle. It has changed my life so much for the better.


Madam Chan Lay Hong

Age: 79 years old

After her husband passed away two years ago, Mdm Chan Lay Hong became withdrawn. She stopped joining friends for activities at the community centre and repeatedly turned down her children’s invitations to join them for outings.

Mdm Chan’s two daughters could tell that their mother, who lives alone, was not her usual self. The house was in a mess and dishes were left unwashed.

Mdm Chan also seemed absent-minded, often changing the subject of the conversation and bringing up past events which had no relation to what was being discussed. When asked about her most recent meals or when she last went to the wet market, Mdm Chan was at a loss – she could not even remember!

Desperate for a solution, one of Mdm Chan’s daughters urged her to take UBrain 100 supplement from early February 2021. She could sense a difference in her mother after a few months. Mdm Chan could carry out a conversation without losing focus and concentration. She even started enquiring about her grandchildren, showing renewed interest and curiosity. Most significantly, Mdm Chan stopped displaying signs of memory lapses.


Mr V Ramoo

Age: 53 years old

As a Security Supervisor, Mr V Ramoo leads a team of security officers to protect assigned premises, assets and personnel. His job requires sharp mental focus and clarity.

About six months ago, Mr Ramoo started feeling lethargic, both mentally and physically. He felt drained of energy by mid-afternoon, a far cry from previously when he could be constantly on the move and work non-stop for up to 12 hours a day. He also found himself losing concentration and even dozing off at meetings.

Perplexed, Mr Ramoo started searching for solutions. The breakthrough came when Mr Ramoo was advised to try UBrain 100 supplement and UBrain tea sometime in January this year. From the initial stages, he felt energised. After three to four months, there was a marked improvement in his memory concentration. He could stay alert and focused at meetings and hectic workdays are not a problem.

Mr Ramoo is also fully aware that as he gets older, he has a higher risk of developing a disease like dementia – as they say, prevention is better than cure, so he now consumes the herbal supplement and tea on a daily basis.